Dear Heavenly Father, (Ep. 07)

Dear Heavenly Father, (Ep. 07)

June 9, 2019 Christian Poems 0

Dear Heavenly Father,

Who is like You in all the earth?

Matchless love and beauty, endless worth, my reward, my devotion…

Nothing in this world apart from You can truly satisfy.

Everything i need is You.

Through every storm, my soul will trust You.

The cross before me, the world behind me.

Jesus, You’re the one that won’t run dry… Treasure of my heart and my soul…In my weakness, You’re merciful…

Redeemer of my past and present wrong… You’re the holder of my future days to come…

All of my days on earth, I will await the moment that I will see You face to face.

Nothing in this world will satisfy. Jesus! you’re the bread of heaven sent down from glory…Risen King, Living Word….

Nothing else matters, nothing in this world will do… Jesus You’re the center…. everything revolves around You.

Jesus! be the center of my life now and forevermore…. in your matchless Name i pray!


Forever yours,
